Health and Safety Committee Course


This comprehensive program is designed to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively participate in and contribute to workplace health and safety committees. Whether you’re an employee representative, a manager, or an employer, this course aims to empower you to create and maintain a safer work environment for all.


Topics Covered:

  1. Understanding Legal Frameworks: Explore the legal and regulatory frameworks governing workplace health and safety, including rights and responsibilities of committee members.
  2. Risk Assessment and Hazard Identification: Learn practical methods for identifying workplace hazards, assessing risks, and implementing controls to mitigate these risks.
  3. Committee Functions and Communication: Understand the role and functions of health and safety committees, including effective communication strategies within the committee and with the wider workforce.
  4. Incident Investigation and Reporting: Gain insights into proper procedures for investigating incidents, reporting requirements, and implementing corrective actions.
  5. Promoting a Culture of Safety: Discover strategies for fostering a culture of safety within an organization, encouraging employee engagement, and promoting proactive safety measures.
  6. Continuous Improvement: Learn about the importance of ongoing evaluation, review, and improvement of health and safety practices within the workplace.


Successful participants will receive a statement of training issued by the Advance OHS.

This course is only available onsite. Please contact us to schedule an onsite course.


"Staff at maritime were extremely impressed with the professionalism of the trainer and very happy with his delivery style. On behalf of staff who attended the training, we would like to thank Advance OHS"

"Very well delivered"

"Excellent training material and videos"

"Can ask many questions, Great trainer"

"Everything was covered and informative"

"Very Clear Concise and Factual"

"All topics included a thorough check of understanding and the exam covered all topics"

"Excellent tips from the trainer"